Pushpa, Pushpa Raj.. The Product Manager

A power-packed Indian action drama, Pushpa: One of the most loved movies of this year! The dialogue, the songs, and the style rocked the stage, and people loved it. The dialogues stand out, and here’s how it relates to Product Management 😃

Translation: Pushpa, Pushpa Raj, I will not bend down to anyone

It takes guts, deeper thinking, and challenging the status quo to rise above the expectations. Some core qualities for a Product Manager are making bold decisions, challenging the traditional thought process, and building something totally new quickly. Many startups have demonstrated that their small teams and faster pace have beaten the large enterprise monopolies in a short timeframe. This dialog of Pushpa energizes the young blood to believe in themselves and give their best shot to scale fast.

Translation: You think I’m a flower like my name? I am Fire…

Your name and the place you come from are just a tag and do not define who you are. Today’s internet age levels up the playing field for everyone and gives equal chances if you bring the fire within yourself. That fire in your heart and brain will make you outshine the world. Break the shackles from the past and showcase who you are to make a dent. A product manager sitting anywhere in the world is competing against the best minds to make a positive difference. Keep the fire on!

Translation: This world gave you a pistol whereas I got an axe

Don’t cry about your disadvantage. Capitalize it as a tool to bring the difference. A new startup CEO or a Product Manager with limited resources will always feel the challenge. However, your creative thinking can blow away the bottlenecks. Today’s Internet gives your loads of free tools to use and make a difference.

Translation: You will shoot a bullet at a time. I will shoot 60 axes at a time.

Outsmart your competitor by differentiating. You can’t play the same game as your competitor and win the market. You need to differentiate and bring in a huge value to grab the users and the market. Play the unexpected, innovate, get your team to solve the problem, and get the team on your side to fight the competition. It’s always a team game and not alone.

Translation: To get the goods out, you don’t need strength, you just need an intelligent idea

Pushpa again stresses on “Innovate and disrupt”. You don’t always need huge funding or a huge team to crack the problem. Right ideas and solutions can make your way forward. Challenge the traditional thought process and walk the unbeaten path to bring new solutions to the market.

Translation: Its easy to sit in the boat and throw the fishing net. If you get into the water, big fishes will eat you

Get into it and make your hands dirty. Talk to customers, run data queries, dig in to fail, and learn from it. You can’t just sit in the office and type in the requirements. Get out of the building and test the waters. Be ready for a tough time, walk the tough road, make every stone on the way as milestones to mark your success. It’s easy to write requirements by assuming many things; once you get into the research and experience the practical problems, you know the real crux of product management.

Translation: Everyone has their own battles

Read it as “Every user has their own pain points.” As a Product Manager, understand what problems your users face while they use your product. What do they stumble upon, and why? Do they accomplish their task, and how quickly? Are you solving the users’ problems?

Translation: You either get stolen goods, but not Pushpa, Or you get Pushpa, but no stolen goods

What is your company going for, ‘Volume‘ or ‘Premium Price‘? If you want volume, you have to keep the cost minimal Or raise the price and compromise on volume. You have to narrow down your target segment based on your choices.