Author: Mangesh Bhamre

Mangesh is Product Leader Full Bio here -
Product LessonsStrategy

Uncovering the Value: The Core Product Learnings from Apple’s Ecosystem

The Apple ecosystem is a prime example of how seamlessly integrating different products can create a cohesive user experience. By focusing on creating an ecosystem rather than just individual devices, Apple has been able to create a strong brand loyalty and increase customer satisfaction. In this blog, we explore the top 5 innovative use cases of the Apple ecosystem, along with six product lessons that can be learned from the success of Apple's approach.
Critical ThinkingStrategy

The Future of Technology: A Look at the Top 5 Mega Trends

Mega trends are long-term, transformative forces that are shaping the world in significant ways. They are typically global in nature and have the potential to disrupt industries and societies. Identifying and understanding mega trends can be a useful exercise for businesses and organizations, as it can help them to anticipate and prepare for future developments, and can inform decision-making and strategy.